Saturday, 6 June 2015



lamanya tak update kan...seriously busy giler hidup sejak 200% fokus jd personalshoppers in instagram. serioulyy lagi, i/m never and never imagine boleh sampai ke tahap macam ni.
alhamdulillah, allah permudahkan dan buka pintu rezeki aku utk cari duit dengan business servis ps.
syukur ya allah, dengan jadi ps ni walaupun menjadi penganggur tegar sejak grad lagi, aku mampu bayar bil-bil rumah parent aku, beli barang dapur dan keperluan rumah everyweek, expenses for cats kt umah, minyak kereta, repiar kereta beratus-ratus pun aku bayar..pergi travel pun guna duit sndri...alhamdulillah sangat2... i really-really proud of myself sbb semuanya sendiri.again SENDIRI!!! Huhu..

Last im asking money from my parent was last year during my last internship 2014. then, if im not forgotten, i start focusing in personal shopper..and start from that,i never and ever ask money from my parents.

Everything,i use my own efforts and money if i want to buy something, go for travelling with my friends and also belanje kwn2 and family... alhamdulillah,i am reallllyyyy2 satisfied with my self!! =)
while my course-mates struggling to find job,went for interview and etc.. me,is busy-ing at boutiques event to find some money. alhamdulillah, i can get roughly net profit about RM3K as my monthly income.

the best part is, i can wake up late, be with my family, bathing my cats, i can bring my mom to pasar,mydin ,go to my sisters house play with my nephew and many more without ' terikat' with working hours.

now, i was hoping my application to further studies in masters will success and continue my journey as a students. aminn..... menuntut ilmu tidak kira usia..selagi mampu kita tuntut hingga mati.

busy-ing checking order list one by one during MR KUANTAN 2015

okay,will sambung later how to become as PERSONALSHOPPER.

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